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The meetings of the Libyan intelligence chief with his foreign counterparts focus on exchanging information, combating terrorism and money laundering.

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Tripoli, September 19, 2024 (LANA) - The meetings of the head of the Libyan Intelligence Service, "Hussein Al-Ayeb", during the past months with the heads of Arab and foreign intelligence services focused on exchanging information, combating terrorism and money laundering, and monitoring the risks facing the countries of the world from organized organizations and networks and illegal immigration. Sources in the Libyan Intelligence Service revealed to the Libyan News Agency that the head of the service, Hussein Al-Ayeb, held several external dialogues between March and September with the Director of the Cypriot Central Intelligence Service, Tasos Tsionis, the Director of the Romanian Foreign Intelligence Service, Gabriel Vlasi, and the Head of the Maltese Security Service, Joseph Bugia.

During this period, he also met with the Director of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization, Ibrahim Kalin, the Director of the German Federal Intelligence Service, Bruno Kahl, the Director of the Italian External Intelligence and Security Agency, Giovanni Caravelli, and the Director General of the Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency, Abdullah Muhammad Ali.

The sources indicated to (LANA) that these external meetings and meetings focused on discussing the strengthening and development of mechanisms for joint cooperation, information exchange, strategies for combating terrorism and money laundering, and monitoring the risks facing countries of the world from organized organizations and networks and illegal immigration, in addition to the Libyan Intelligence Service benefiting from expertise in the fields of developing and training its members on the latest technologies to confront espionage and sabotage operations targeting the homeland.