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Minister of Technical Education meets a number of residents of Al-Joush area

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Tripoli, September 17, 2024 (LANA) - Minister of Technical Education "Yakhlef Al-Sefauw" met today, Tuesday, in his office in Tripoli, with a group of residents of Al-Joush area, in the presence of the Undersecretary of the Ministry for Diwan Affairs and Development "Al-Ferjani Ahmed", as part of his follow-up of the educational process in all regions of the State of Libya.

During the meeting, a number of educational topics and issues facing technical colleges and higher technical and intermediate technical institutes were reviewed to resolve, address and correct their conditions.

The Minister stressed the need for everyone to cooperate to proceed with correcting the conditions of technical education institutions and to complete previous efforts to limit any existing imbalances and push towards producing minds and spreading scientific, technical and research innovations.
