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Members of the Pan-African Parliament's House of Representatives participate in a session on the impact of climate change held in South Africa.

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Tripoli, September 16, 2024 (LANA) - Members of the House of Representatives, members of the African Parliament, participated in the opening session of the sixth legislative term of the African Parliament, which began today, Monday, in the city of Midrand, South Africa.

According to what was stated by the spokesman for the House of Representatives, "Abdullah Blihaq", the delegation of the House of Representatives included members "Saleh Qalma", "Asmaa Al-Khoja", "Youssef Al-Fakhri", "Salem Qanan" and "Abdul Qader Yahya", in the presence of the Deputy Head of the Diwan "Rasmi Balrouin".

The session - which was opened by the President of the African Parliament "Fortune Charumbira" - discussed the impact of climate change and Africa's strategic endeavors in the twenty-ninth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Efforts to achieve a balance between energy security needs in Africa in light of the climate crisis were also discussed, in addition to health capacity and preparedness to confront future epidemics and respond to disease outbreaks.

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