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Starting to pump out the accumulated water in front of the Sabha oil depot.

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Sabha, September 16, 2024 (LANA) - Brega Oil Marketing Company announced today, Monday, that it has started the process of pumping out the water that caused the Sabha oil depot to stop working, due to the heavy rains that the city witnessed yesterday, Sunday.

The company explained in a statement that the suction equipment arrived today at the Sabha oil depot, noting that the water suction process began by firefighters and safety personnel in the presence of all employees.

The company indicated that the water caused the depot to stop working, which forced it to supply the stations directly with fuel.

On Sunday, Brega Company announced the launch of a convoy dedicated to transporting towed pump equipment and advanced maintenance equipment to the Sabha oil depot.

The company's media office stated that the equipment sent includes highly efficient pumps and specialized equipment aimed at accelerating water suction operations, enabling technical teams to restore operational processes as quickly as possible, to enhance their capacity and provide the necessary support for operations in the warehouse.
