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The Central Bank Administration denies the circulating news about some foreign banks stopped dealing with the bank.

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Tripoli, September 07, 2024 (LANA) - The Central Bank of Libya Administration, assigned by the Presidential Council, refuted the news circulating recently on some social media platforms, about foreign banks stopping dealing with the bank, stressing that this news is misleading and baseless, and aims to harm the country's economy.

The bank's administration confirmed in a statement published on the official page, the continuation of close communication with all correspondent banks accredited to it abroad, and that the mutual procedures between them are proceeding normally, and in accordance with the agreed upon work.

The bank's management reiterated that all departments are working normally, and began implementing its plan to restore work after it was suspended by the previous management, and succeeded in activating and securing all electronic systems in the bank after they were disabled, and disbursed August salaries for all state sectors across Libya, after the previous management refused to disburse them, and activated the documentary credit system, and prepared the personal items system for work.

The management stressed that it will intensify its efforts during the coming week to restore the value of the Libyan dinar after it was weakened by the previous management through procedures that violate the law, considering that the relationship of the Central Bank with foreign banks and institutions is a relationship of institutions governed by official agreements and international norms that are not affected at all by individuals, reassuring everyone that the bank's employees continue day and night with complete professionalism to protect the banking sector away from political conflicts.
