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Foiling an attempt to smuggle a large quantity of cigarette cartons.

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Tripoli, September 07, 2024 (LANA) - The Ministry of Interior announced the foiling of an attempt to smuggle a large quantity of cigarette cartons hidden inside a cliff on the Libyan-Tunisian border.

The ministry said in a statement, that the security and protection force of the Border Guard Service, through its desert patrols to comb the area extending from the Jebeina point to Burj Tawil Taher on the border with Tunisia, was able to find a quantity of cigarette cartons hidden inside a cliff, and they were prepared for smuggling.

The ministry confirmed that this operation comes within a series of continuous efforts made by the Border Guard Service to limit illegal activities across the border, and enhance security and stability in the region, which contributes to protecting the national economy and deterring violators.
