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Upcoming training for members of the Criminal Investigation Department in Italy.

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Tripoli, August 29, 2024 (LANA) - The Ministry of Interior of the Government of National Unity announced its intention to organize a training program for members of the Criminal Investigation Department in Italy.

This came during a discussion session held yesterday, Wednesday, at the headquarters of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, which included the Assistant Director of the Department, Brigadier General Issa Qaradah, along with a number of members of the Criminal Investigation Department, the Head of the European Affairs Department in the Department of Relations, and advisors from the EUAM mission to Libya in the field of combating organized crime.

According to the ministry, the session discussed cooperation between the two sides in the field of capacity building activities that will be implemented in the Central Operations Agency in Italy, with the aim of raising the efficiency of members of the Criminal Investigation Department.