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US Embassy comments on UN mission's call for emergency meeting on Libya's Central Bank crisis.

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Tripoli, August 27, 2024 (LANA) - America welcomed today, Tuesday, the initiative of the United Nations mission to hold an emergency meeting attended by the parties concerned with the crisis of the Central Bank of Libya to reach a consensus, considering that it "paves the way forward to resolve the crisis surrounding the Central Bank of Libya".

The US embassy in Libya urged, in a post published via its account on the "X" platform ((all parties to seize this opportunity)), noting that recent developments "undermine confidence in economic and financial stability in Libya in the eyes of Libyan citizens and the international community, and increase the chances of harmful confrontation".

The embassy expressed concern about "reports of arbitrary arrest and intimidation of Central Bank employees", calling for "those responsible for it to be held strictly accountable" according to the embassy's post.

This came against the backdrop of the announcement by the United Nations mission late Monday that it intends to hold an emergency meeting attended by the parties concerned with the crisis of the Central Bank of Libya to reach a consensus based on political agreements and applicable laws, and on the principle of the independence of the Central Bank and ensuring the continuity of public service.

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