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During his meeting with the Minister of Oil, Dabaiba stressed the need to follow up on the conditions of the oil fields and not allow them to be closed under flimsy pretexts.

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Tripoli, August 26, 2024 (LANA) - The Prime Minister of the Unity Government, "Abdul Hamid Dabaiba", followed up with the Minister of Oil and Gas, "Khalifa Abdul Sadiq", today, Monday, a number of work files in the ministry.

The government's media office reported that Minister "Abdul Sadiq" the ministry's plan through the National Oil Corporation to increase production and activate global agreements on exploration and development, and develop the work mechanism of the Brega Oil Marketing Company.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister stressed the need to follow up in order to implement the approved plan to increase productivity in oil and gas, stressing the need to follow up on the conditions of the oil fields and not allow them to be closed under flimsy pretexts, and the need to hold accountable those who carry out these shameful acts and refer them to the competent authorities.