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Headed by Trabelsi: The Supreme Committee for Security Measures holds its first meeting.

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Tripoli, August 26, 2024 (LANA) - The Supreme Committee for Security Measures, formed by virtue of the decision of the Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, held its first meeting headed by the Minister of Interior, "Imad Trabelsi", to discuss the committee's tasks in supervising the withdrawal and return of all security and military agencies and brigades to their official headquarters, and listing all buildings and administrative headquarters under the protection of entities not affiliated with the Ministry of Interior, and working to receive them immediately by the Ministry, in addition to listing private properties that were controlled by individuals or entities not affiliated with the Ministry, and subjecting land, sea and air ports to the competent authorities.

According to what the Ministry published on its official page, the meeting addressed the evacuation of all streets from concentrations, stops and security gates from any armed manifestations and limiting work on them to the Ministry of Interior, in addition to listing prisons and subjecting them to the competent authorities in accordance with the applicable legislation.