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Dabaiba follows up with housing projects, utilities and public companies the progress of work on the Third Ring Road project.

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Tripoli, August 26, 2024 (LANA) - The Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, "Abdul Hamid Al-Dabaiba", followed up on Sunday, with the Housing and Utilities Projects Implementation Agency, the General Water and Sanitation Company, the General Electricity Company, and the international consulting office (Hill International) supervising the project, the progress of work on the Third Ring Road project.

The government's media office stated that the consulting office presented a light presentation showing the progress of work on the project according to the sectors and technical works completed on bridges, overpasses and roads, obstacles in the project paths and the work completed in removing water and electricity lines and sewage points.

"Al-Dabaiba" stressed during the meeting the need to intensify efforts between the project owner, the Housing Agency, and the Water and Electricity Companies to remove obstacles, accelerate the opening of paths and disburse compensation to those entitled, stressing the need to implement side water drainage networks along the road according to the approved specifications as part of the additional works in the project.

Ajaj, for his part, presented a position on the implementation timetable and the progress of the supply of manufactured materials, stressing the unification of efforts for implementation according to the approved program.

The Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity directed the implementing company to increase human elements, mechanisms and manufactured materials during the next phase, organize work and speed up completion.

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