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Khoury to LANA: Building the Libyan state and achieving stability and peace requires Libyans to come together.

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Sirte, August 25, 2024 (LANA) - The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations - Acting Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, "Stephanie Khoury", described the meeting of the Joint Military Committee (5+5) today at its permanent headquarters in the city of Sirte as positive and very important.

"Khoury" announced in a press statement to the LANA correspondent the support of the United Nations Mission in Libya and the international community for the efforts of the committee to enhance the ceasefire and achieve stability in Libya.

She said, "I am in the city of Sirte today to attend the very important meeting of the Joint Military Committee in order to enhance the ceasefire and stability in Libya, which represents the Libyan spirit, and represents the gathering of Libyans with each other.

"Stephanie Khoury" pointed out in her statement that building the Libyan state, achieving stability and peace, building state institutions, and all the political process and practical steps for peace require Libyans to be with each other.

"Stephanie" indicated at the end of her statement that her visit today to the city of Sirte is the first, but it will not be the last and that she will visit in the future to meet with its municipal council and civil society in Sirte.