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The Ministry of Interior reveals the tasks of the Supreme Committee for Security Measures.

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Tripoli, August 24, 2024 (LANA) - The Ministry of Interior in the Government of National Unity revealed the tasks of the Supreme Committee for Security Measures formed by Prime Minister Decision No. (379) of 2024.

The ministry said in a statement that the tasks of the committee - headed by the Minister of Interior, Major General "Imad Mustafa Al-Tarabilsi" - include supervising the withdrawal and return of security and military units to their official headquarters, in addition to listing state-owned buildings and sites and supervising their immediate delivery and operation.

According to the ministry, the committee has the right to remove concentrations not subject to the Government of National Unity, in addition to evacuating streets and public facilities from unauthorized military presence, following up and evaluating potential security threats and taking the necessary measures to prevent them.

The committee's powers and tasks also include setting mechanisms to implement the tasks assigned to it in coordination with the competent authorities, reporting any obstacles to the work of the committee and taking the necessary decisions to overcome them, in addition to submitting a periodic report on the progress of its work to the Prime Minister.
