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Khoury calls for resolving the crisis of the Central Bank of Libya through dialogue.

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Tripoli, August 22, 2024 (LANA) The Acting Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, Stephanie Khoury, called for resolving the crisis of the Central Bank of Libya through dialogue during her meeting with the Chairman of the Presidential Council, Mohammed Al-Menfi.

Khoury said in a tweet published on his account on the “X” platform on Wednesday evening ((As part of my ongoing efforts to address the crisis surrounding the Central Bank of Libya, “Mohammed Al-Menfi” received me to discuss the importance of resolving all issues through dialogue and consensual arrangements)).

The UN mission indicated, in its post on its Facebook page, about the meeting, that the two parties discussed the urgent need for responsible and transparent governance of the Central Bank, and Khoury stressed the importance of the fair distribution of resources among all Libyans.

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