The Supreme Judicial Council's Legal Department ruled that it had no jurisdiction over the dispute over the presidency of the State Council.
Pulbished on:Tripoli, August 19, 2024 (LANA) - The Legal Department of the Supreme Judicial Council announced today, Monday, that it is not competent to adjudicate the dispute over the ballot paper for the election of the office of the presidency of the High Council of State.
The department said in response to a letter addressed to it by Khaled Al-Mishri, a member of the council and one of the competitors for the presidency of the council, that it is competent to express a legal opinion on what is presented to it by public administrative bodies, and that deciding on the legitimacy of the disputed paper is not within its competence.
The Legal Department continued in its response to Al-Mishri that the matter requires referring it to the competent judiciary to decide on it in accordance with what the internal regulations stipulate.