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Al-Huwaij issues a decision regarding the regulation of registration of trademark agents.

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Tripoli, August 19, 2024 (LANA) - The Minister of Economy and Trade in the Government of National Unity, "Mohammed Al-Huwaij", issued Decision No. 394 of 2024 regarding the organization of the register of trademark registration agents.

The first article stipulated the establishment of a paper and electronic register in the Trademark Office to register the registration of trademark registration agents, and a file is allocated for each agent that includes "the registration request, the legal file of the agent, a table of the names of the clients of the trademark agent, and the legal file of each client."

According to Article Two of the decision published by the ministry on its Facebook page, no one may practice the profession of a trademark agent except those whose name is registered in the register of trademark registration agents at the ministry.

The registration conditions included "that the applicant be of Libyan nationality for natural persons, shareholders and directors of intellectual property companies, and that he enjoy full legal capacity, and that no judgments have been issued against him in crimes that violate honor or trust unless his reputation has been restored, and that he not be a public employee with the exception of state-owned companies, and that he submit a pledge from the legal representative of the company to abide by these conditions before the contract writer."

The last article of the decision requires that it be implemented from the date of its issuance, and those subject to its provisions must implement it.

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