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Arrangements for holding the third international scientific conference on drugs and psychotropic substances

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Tripoli, August 14, 2024 (/ِآِ) - Arrangements and preparations have begun for holding the third international scientific conference on drugs and psychotropic substances entitled The Reality and Challenges of the Legislative, Judicial and Security Confrontation of the Problems of Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.

The head of the conference, Dr. "Mohamed Abdel Rahman Al-Fitouri", the official spokesman for the Anti-Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Agency, explained in a statement to the Libyan News Agency that this conference will be held in the city of Tripoli from June 26 to 29, 2025, and it is scheduled to be officially announced on September 1st. Dr. Al-Fitouri pointed out that all committees have been formed to prepare for this conference, which includes topics covering its three aspects, in addition to allowing participation for researchers, security and military experts, judiciary, prosecution, lawyers, academic researchers and specialized research institutions from inside and outside Libya in two tracks: in-person attendance and remote participation.

The conference is an initiative of the Libyan Observatory for the Family and is organized by the Anti-Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Agency, the Higher Judicial Institute, the Anti-Smuggling and Drugs Department at the Customs Authority and the National Center for Scientific Research and Studies in cooperation with the Strong Wedge Organization for Sustainable Development.

In this context, the conference chairman, Dr. Muhammad Al-Fitouri, told the Libyan News Agency that during his meeting today, Wednesday, with the head of the Anti-Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Agency, Major General Khaled Al-Mabrouk Abdul Nabi, he was informed of the ongoing arrangements for holding the conference and its work plan.

Dr. Al-Fitouri explained that the head of the agency stressed his keenness to make the conference activities a success and stressed the need to benefit from its outcomes in formulating national policies to combat drugs.
