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Al-Koni receives the Turkish ambassador to Libya

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Tripoli, July 24, 2024 (LANA) - Representative of the Presidential Council, Mr. Musa Al-Koni, received the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Libya, Guven Bekic, who conveyed the greetings of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the Presidential Council.

 The Turkish ambassador confirmed his country's continued support for the Council's efforts aimed at achieving stability, and Turkey's keenness to consolidate its relations with Libya in many fields.

In turn, Representative Al-Koni welcomed the ambassador, wishing him success in assuming the duties of representing his country in Libya, and stressed the importance of Libyan-Turkish relations and ways to develop them in a way that serves the interests of the two countries, especially economic, infrastructure and reconstruction.

The meeting, which took place today, Wednesday, discussed developments in the political and economic scene, and MP Musa Al-Koni stressed the necessity of creating movement in the political process to address the current political impasse in order to reach elections as soon as possible.