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Al-Koni receives the Nigerien ambassador to Libya

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Tripoli, July 23, 2024 (LANA) - The representative of the Presidential Council, Musa Al-Koni, received today, Tuesday, the Ambassador of the Republic of Niger to Libya, “Isiad Ag Kato,” who stressed the depth of the historical relations linking the two neighboring countries.

During this meeting, the ambassador informed: Al-Koni presented the results of the discussions of his country’s delegation, which participated in the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum recently, and the meetings it held with Libyan officials in many fields, especially border security and combating organized crime and smuggling.

He also gave a presentation on the general situation in his country at all levels, expressing his country's aspiration to cooperate with the Presidential Council to achieve stability in Niger, and granting permission to the relevant authorities in Libya to provide facilities for the Nigerien community residing in Libya for their voluntary return, similar to the Sudanese community.

The ambassador extended an invitation to Al-Koni to visit Niger to consolidate cooperation relations in many fields, to serve the interests of both countries.

In turn, the representative asked the ambassador to convey the greetings of the Presidential Council of the Military Council in Niger, and to support its efforts aimed at achieving stability in the country.

He stressed the importance of the historical relationship between Libya and Niger, consolidating it in a way that serves their interests in many fields, and cooperating to control borders and fight human and arms trafficking gangs, to contribute to achieving stability in Libya and Niger.
