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Signing a cooperation agreement between Libya and Russia in the areas of economics and foreign trade.

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Tripoli, July 23, 2024 (Lana): The Head of the Libyan General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Mohamed Al-Raid, signed with the Deputy Head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, Vladimir Badalko, a joint cooperation agreement between the two friendly countries in the economic areas.

The agreement, which was signed in Moscow, Russia, stipulated the commitment of both parties to contribute to expanding communications between institutions, organizations, companies, and businessmen between the two countries and to exchange all information of common interest related to the economy and foreign trade in the markets of both countries.

The agreement also included providing assistance to organize forums, conferences, and meetings in the area of economy and trade and to hold regular meetings to evaluate the agreed-upon procedures, overcome obstacles that hinder the development of economic cooperation, and consider current and future issues of bilateral cooperation.
