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A delegation from the UN organizations in Libya visits Kufra.

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Kufra, 20 July 2024 (Lana) A delegation from the UN organizations in Libya visited Kufra on Thursday to assess the conditions of refugees in the city and discuss their basic needs.

The program of the delegation's visit, which included heads of the United Nations refugee offices, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, the World Food Program, and the Resident Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs at the UN Mission in Libya, included reviewing the conditions of Kufra General Hospital and providing support to the hospital, which included basic medical equipment, beds for shelter departments, wheelchairs, ECG, sterilization tools, and laboratories for prenatal care.

During its visit, the delegation met with the Head of the Municipal Council and the Joint Security Emergency Committee and commended the role and efforts of the local authorities in responding to the basic needs of the refugees in the city.

According to the office of the UNHCR, the delegation stressed that the challenges are great and there is an urgent need to support the local authorities and enhance services and humanitarian assistance.
