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The UN mission calls on Libya to adopt immigration laws consistent with its international obligations.

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Tripoli, July 18, 2024 (LANA) - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya welcomed the holding of the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum, which was held yesterday, Wednesday, in Tripoli.

The mission indicated in a statement that the forum represented an opportunity to move forward in adopting a human rights-based approach to migration governance, stressing the importance of concerted international efforts to address the current challenges in the migration issue and expressing its readiness to support initiatives aimed at implementing a human rights-based approach in dealing with migration. 

In its statement, the mission called on the Libyan authorities to adopt laws and general policies consistent with their international obligations in the field of international human rights law and refugee protection, which include finding alternatives to detention, putting an end to the detention of child migrants and victims of human trafficking, and expanding safe and regular migration corridors.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights recently issued a report claiming that migrants and refugees in Libya are exposed to challenges related to human rights.

The report stressed the need to coordinate international cooperation to address issues related to human rights, protection and humanitarian issues while ensuring that the safety and dignity of migrants, asylum seekers and migrants in Libya is preserved.