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The Minister of Finance meets with the Regional Director for North Africa at the International Finance Corporation.

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Tripoli, July 18, 2024 (LANA) - The Minister of Finance of the National Unity Government, Khaled Al-Mabrouk, confirmed the unity government’s endeavor to support and stimulate the private sector in Libya, and to develop solutions to the problems it faces, especially in the fields of agriculture, health, and renewable energies, by benefiting from the expertise of the International Finance Corporation - one of the institutions World Bank Group.

This came during his meeting yesterday, Wednesday, with the Regional Director for North Africa at the International Finance Corporation, Sheikh Omar Sylla, and his accompanying delegation, which included the resident representative of the World Bank in Libya, Henriette Kaltenbrunn, and the resident representative of the International Finance Corporation in Libya and Tunisia, Sarah Morsi, in the presence of: Director of the Department of Financial Institutions and Technical Cooperation at the Ministry, Director General of the National Program for Small and Medium Enterprises, and Director of the Investment Department at the General Authority for Investment Promotion and Privatization Affairs.

During this meeting, which was held at the Ministry’s headquarters in Tripoli, Sheikh Omar presented an overview of the nature of the work carried out by the Foundation in the countries of the region, and the experience it can provide to help improve the private sector environment and attract investments.

It was agreed that the Foundation would organize a workshop aimed at introducing Libyan investors to the mechanisms and methods of its work and the opportunities that it can provide them.