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LANA-Al-Jufra: A night security campaign to demonstrate security and control the main street in the cities of Al-Jufra.

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Al-Jufra, July 18, 2024 (LANA) - The cities of the municipality of Al-Jufra, Hun, Sukna, and Woddan last night witnessed a massive security campaign to declare security and control the main street.

 The heads of the branches of other security services in the region, the Traffic and Licensing Department, Internal Security, Rescue, police stations in cities, and central support participated in the campaign, which was supervised by the Director of the Jufra Security Directorate.

It aimed to follow up on the procedures for motor vehicles, remove the blackout from the windows of cars, and implement the prosecution’s orders related to the arrest and summons of those accused in cases being discussed in the prosecution and courts.

...LANA - Al-Jufra....