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Dabaiba participates in the Trans Mediterranean Migration Forum

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Tripoli, July 17, 2024 AD (LANA) - The work of the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum was launched in the capital, Tripoli, this Wednesday afternoon, in the presence of the Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Dabaiba, and the participation of a number of prime ministers, ministers, and officials from African and European countries, in addition to the League of Arab States, in addition to international organizations concerned with migration and human rights.

In his speech at the opening of the forum, the Prime Minister of the National Unity Government stressed that the problem of migration is troubling many countries, pointing out that all African countries want to communicate with the North, and many of them are going through crises of need and famine. Africa is suffering from the scourges of colonialism, exploitation, and the plundering of its wealth during the past fifty years, in which the African citizen is forced to search for a living while crossing a difficult, bumpy and dangerous road, sometimes ending in death, in the hope of reaching Europe.

 Dabaiba called for directing the money spent to manage irregular migration flows to finance development projects in the source countries, indicating that migrants cross the desert from African countries, and many Africans die of thirst and hunger in this barren desert, and when they arrive in Libya they think about how to cross the desert to The Mediterranean Sea, many of them die at sea, and a few find themselves in a camp in one of the European countries.

 He said that this money spent during the last 50 years did not solve this problem. The idea is simple: this money should go to the countries of origin for the immigrants. "Let us implement real projects that lead to the stability of the people of these countries in their regions. This project is quite simple and we seek to achieve We are establishing an actual movement to solve this problem."

Dabaiba explained that Europe uses many methods to prevent these people, and Africa pushes them in search of a good life, and we found ourselves amid pressure from the north and the south. The north spends, we spend a lot of money, and Africans die either in the desert or the sea.

In turn, Tunisian Prime Minister Ahmed Al-Hashani said in his speech that his country has made great efforts in managing migration waves since the beginning of the crisis in Libya and is combating migration without any funding, and that Tunisia cannot be a country of passage or asylum for migrants.

Al-Hashani stressed that the solution to the crisis must be a collective one from the source, transit and target countries.

For his part, Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abella said that his country, which also suffers from the burden of the migration phenomenon because it is one of the destination countries, received assistance from the Libyan side in combating migration.

He explained that migration begins in the source countries due to wars and conflicts. This prompts them to migrate, which poses a challenge to the corridor and target countries.

The forum aims to discuss common challenges in the migration issue and develop practical solutions that contribute to reducing illegal migration across the Mediterranean and enhancing cooperation between African and European countries to achieve greater stability in the region.

 The participants will address several issues, including improving border management, strengthening rescue and relief mechanisms for migrants, and providing the necessary support to countries receiving migrants.