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Koury meets with officials at the US State Department in Washington.

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Tripoli, July 17, 2024 (Lana): Acting Head of the UNSMIL, Stephanie Koury, conducted on Monday a number of meetings with officials at the US State Department and discussed developments in the political, economic, and security situation in Libya.

"On Monday, I had a constructive exchange in Washington with Ambassador Michele Sison, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, U.S. Department of State, and team. We discussed the Libyan political process, the need for unified state institutions, better migration governance, and dialogue for a consensus-based budgetary process," Koury said in a tweet.

"I also discussed with Acting Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, John Bass, the way forward on Libya's political process towards elections," she said.

"We underscored the crucial role of the international community working in tandem with UNSMIL to support Libyans in preserving their nation's unity and sovereignty," Koury added.
