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Trabelsi discusses with Khoury preparations to secure the upcoming presidential and municipal elections

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Tripoli, July 10, 2024 (LANA) - The Minister of the Interior in charge of the National Unity Government, “Imad Mustafa Trabelsi,” discussed today, Wednesday, with the Deputy Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General in Libya, “Stephanie Khoury,” preparations to secure the upcoming presidential and municipal elections and support the mission to achieve security, stability and state building.

The Ministry's media office stated that the meeting was held at the Ministry's office in Tripoli and discussed the issue of illegal immigration and its repercussions on the security and economic situation in Libya and other countries, and to support the Ministry of the Interior in its security efforts to combat this phenomenon, and to stay away from any interventions that would confuse the security situation to move forward towards complete stability within the country.

He explained that the meeting was attended by the Director of the Minister's Office, Abdul Wahed Abdul Samad, and the delegation accompanying the Deputy Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Libya.

 .. (LANA)..