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The Public Prosecution orders the imprisonment of the warehouse manager of the Diabetes and Endocrine Treatment Center in Zintan.

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Tripoli, July 7, 2024 (LANA) - The Public Prosecution ordered the imprisonment of the warehouse manager of the Diabetes and Endocrine Treatment Center in Zintan on charges of abusing his job authorities.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office explained that the Deputy Public Prosecutor had investigated the facts included in the reports of the Audit Bureau’s examination of the center’s work.

 According to the Public Prosecutor’s Media Office, investigations proved that the warehouse official abused the job’s authority through his reluctance to prove the items supplied to the center’s warehouses, and his abandoning the official seals on the disbursement documents to employees who were not authorized to manage the warehouses.

 The investigator ended up remanding the warehouses official pending the case.
