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Leading Chinese companies in the fields of economy and investment express their willingness to implement infrastructure and industrial projects in Libya.

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Tripoli, June 25, 2024 (LANA) - A number of Chinese companies specialized in the economic and investment fields have expressed their willingness to contribute to the implementation of infrastructure, industrial and investment projects in Libya.

This came during two separate meetings held by the Minister of Economy and Trade in the National Unity Government, “Mohamed Al-Hawaij,” yesterday, Monday, in Tripoli, with a group of leading Chinese companies in multiple and diverse economic and investment fields, in the presence of the President of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture, “Mohamed Al-Raid,” and the President of the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture. Business Owners Council “Rashid Sawan”.

During the meeting, representatives of these companies expressed their desire to benefit from the opportunities and privileges that Libya enjoys geographically, regionally, and economically, and what Libyan legislation provides to investors.

During the two meetings, the possibility of cooperation between the two parties in the fields of trade and investments was discussed, especially in the industrial, contracting, and infrastructure sectors.

The two sides also discussed ways to consolidate economic and investment relations between the State of Libya and the People's Republic of China through signing joint bilateral agreements and memorandums of understanding in areas of common interest.

At the conclusion of the meeting, it was agreed on the necessity of coordination between the Libyan and Chinese sides to conclude bilateral cooperation agreements. To open horizons of cooperation between the Libyan and Chinese private sectors in a way that achieves common economic interests.
