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Man-Made River Authority confirms the completion of the connection process with Tajora Tourist Project.

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 Tripoli, June 14, 2024 (LANA) - The Chairman of the Administrative Committee of the Man-Made River Authority, “Ahmed Al-Deeb,” confirmed today, Friday, the installation of the last piece of the link to the Al-Sayeh Tajora project, and the rehabilitation work of this path, which has been stalled for 12 years, will end tonight.

He said in a statement to “Hakomitna” platform, “We bleed to our people in the areas of Wadi Al-Rabi’, Ain Zara, and Tajora, that the work of filling the water conveyor path will begin, and the areas will be fed with water from the man-made river for the first time.”

 He added that, we will witness the celebration of the arrival of water to the aforementioned areas after the blessed Eid al-Adha holiday.
