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The Gulf Cooperation Council stresses the need for all foreign forces, foreign fighters and mercenaries to leave Libyan territory.

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Tripoli, June 10, 2024 (LANA) - The Ministerial Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council called on all parties in Libya to give priority to wisdom and reason and to adopt political dialogue to resolve differences in a way that preserves the highest interests of the State of Libya and achieves its people’s aspirations for development and prosperity.

In a statement following its 160th session held yesterday, Sunday, in Doha, the Council affirmed the position of the Council countries in support of the State of Libya, the political track, and the relevant Security Council resolutions in order to preserve its security, stability, and sovereignty.

The statement renewed the call for the exit of all foreign forces, foreign fighters and mercenaries from Libyan territory, and to support the efforts of the United Nations to reach a political solution, hold elections and unify state institutions, to achieve what the Libyan people aspire to.

The Council expressed its keen interest in preserving the interests of the Libyan people, achieving security, stability and development in the country, ensuring its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and stopping interference in its internal affairs.
