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Al-Dabaiba receives the Minister of State at the German Foreign Ministry

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Tripoli, May 26, 2024 (LANA) - The Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Dabaiba, received on Sunday the Minister of State at the German Foreign Ministry, Katja Kuehl, and her accompanying delegation.

  The media office of the Prime Minister of the National Unity Government reported that the meeting discussed the international efforts made to support the elections in accordance with fair and impartial laws, and agreed to support the efforts of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya to carry out the tasks assigned to it.

  The two sides also touched on the international conference to combat irregular migration and border security, scheduled to be held on July 17, with the participation of relevant countries, and agreed to support it to achieve its goals.

During the meeting, emphasis was placed on increasing economic cooperation between the two countries, and expanding participation in the annual German-Libyan Economic Forum in order to increase job and investment opportunities for the private and public sectors in the two countries, according to the office.