Al-Mnifi approves a number of new ambassadors to Libya.
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Tripoli, January 27, 2024 (LANA) - Today, Saturday in Tripoli, President of the Presidential Council, Mohamed Al-Mnifi, approved the papers of three new ambassadors to Libya.
According to the Media Office of the President of the Council, Al-Mnifi received the acceptance of the credentials of the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mohamed Babana, the Ambassador of the Republic of Austria, Barbara Grass, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Jang Jae-hak.
During his reception of the ambassadors, the President of the Council stressed the depth of the relations between Libya and their countries, wishing them success in performing their new duties in the country.
The ambassadors also expressed, in their speeches on the occasion, the importance of consolidating relations between their countries and Libya, appreciating the tireless efforts of the President of the Council to achieve peace, stability and development in all parts of Libya, according to the media office.