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Batili: Officials who are unwilling to hold elections must not be allowed to let Libyans down and expose the region to danger

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New York, December 18, 2023 (LANA) - The UN envoy, Abdullah Batili, said on Monday that a single group of Libyan officials who are unwilling to hold elections and who are clinging to their seats should not be allowed to let the Libyan people down and expose the region to the risk of more chaos.

In a briefing to the Security Council on the political situation in Libya, Batili stressed that Libyans from all walks of life express their strong aspiration for elections, for legitimate and unified institutions, and for peace, stability, and the unity of the country, with the exception of a few who hold political positions and whose terms have expired, and who make the country hostage to their own ambitions.

He also stressed that community leaders, notables, political parties, women's and youth groups, civil society organizations, businessmen, the Joint Military Committee (5+5) and other prominent military and security bodies show full readiness to ensure the holding of peaceful, comprehensive and successful elections, and that the High Electoral Commission is also technically prepared to start Preparations for elections.

The UN envoy indicated that the national climate is now prepared to reach a new political agreement and a new administration for a brighter future for the country.
