Aguila Saleh: I agreed with Batelli on the necessity of working to hold elections and form a unified government as soon as possible.
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Tripoli, November 28, 2023 (LANA) - Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aguila Saleh, confirmed today, Tuesday, that the Council has done what was required of it according to its powers, and that the laws completed by the (6+6) Committee are a correct basis for achieving the electoral entitlement and forming a mini-unified government whose mission is to achieve the desire of the Libyan people to have access to elections.
The official spokesman for the Council, Abdullah Belhaq, explained that Salah presented a briefing to the Council today on the latest developments in the political situation and the meetings he held recently.
Belhaq added that the Speaker of the House of Representatives stressed during his meeting with the President of the High Council of State, Mohamed Takala, the necessity of implementing the laws issued by the 6+6 Committee. He also stressed the House of Representatives’ insistence on forming a mini-government with specific tasks to complete the electoral process.
Belhaq added that Aguila Saleh met with Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita, who affirmed Morocco's support for the Libyan people and supported the formation of a unified government to prepare for elections on the basis of laws issued by the House of Representatives.
Regarding his meeting with the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and Head of the Support Mission in Libya, Abdullah Batili, Aguila Saleh confirmed that it was agreed during the meeting on the necessity of working to hold elections and form a unified government whose formation mechanism will be agreed upon as soon as possible, according to Belhaq.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives also stressed that the call for a five-party meeting would be answered, provided that the meeting’s agenda would be specific to working to form a mini-government with specific tasks that the House of Representatives would grant confidence in, and holding elections.
Belhaq indicated that the House of Representatives decided that the next session of the Council would be in the city of Zintan, without specifying its date.