Aguila Saleh discusses with the German Ambassador the latest developments in the political situation in Libya.
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Benghazi, November 27, 2023 (LANA) - Speaker of the House of Representatives, Counselor Aguila Saleh, discussed today, Monday, at the headquarters of the Council’s office in Benghazi, the latest developments in the political situation in Libya with the German Ambassador to Libya, Michael Unmacht.
The official spokesman for the Council, Abdullah Belhaq, stated that the meeting discussed the latest developments in the political situation in Libya, the procedures for implementing elections, and the formation of a unified government throughout the country whose mission is to implement the electoral entitlement.
During the meeting, according to Belhaq, efforts to hold a Libyan meeting in the near future under international auspices with the aim of reaching elections in a way that achieves the will of the Libyan people were also discussed.