Germany renews its commitment to supporting the return of German companies to cooperation and investment in Libya.
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Tripoli, November 19, 2023 (LANA) - The German Embassy in Libya renewed its commitment to supporting the return of German companies to cooperation and investment in Libya if the appropriate climate is available for that.
This came during a meeting between the Minister of Oil in the National Unity Government, “Mohamed Aoun,” and the Chargé d’Affairs of the German Embassy in Tripoli, “Sven Kroesbe,” to discuss bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to enhance them, especially in the field of oil and gas.
The German Embassy said on its website that “Sven Kroesbe” held another constructive meeting with the Minister of Local Government of the Government of National Unity, Badr al-Din al-Toumi, during which he reviewed the joint projects between the two countries in the field of local development, especially the projects implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency.
The most prominent challenges facing the reconstruction project in the eastern regions affected by the hurricane were also discussed, and emphasis was placed on strengthening recovery efforts and returning life to normal.
The German Embassy expressed its optimism about future cooperation with Libya, stressing that it will seek to strengthen bilateral relations and work to achieve stability and prosperity in Libya and confidence in the ability to achieve positive results through joint cooperation.