Signing a contract between the National Company for Drilling and Maintenance of Wells and "Schlumberger" company to drill 3 oil wells.
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Tripoli, July 26, 2023 (Lana)The National Company for Drilling and Maintenance of Oil Wells and the American business "Schlumberger" have signed a contract to drill three oil wells, the National Oil Corporation (NOC) announced yesterday.
The NOC said in a statement that under the contract, Schlumberger will provide the necessary support to the National Drilling Company to drill three wells for Al-Rimsa Company in Al-Nisr and Al-Waha fields.
The signing ceremony was held at the NOC’s headquarters in Tripoli in the presence of a member of the Board of Directors of the NOC, Hussein Saffar, the chairman of the management committee of the National Drilling Company, Abdul Mawla Abu Fayed, members of the management committee of the company, Sultan Abdel Aziz and Mohammed Hussein, and the general manager of "Schlumberger" company Libya branch, Mustafa Ajaj, and a number of specialists in the two companies.
Saffar said that the signing of this contract is an important step in the way of developing the Libyan oil sector, stressing the NOC's endeavor to consolidate cooperation with international companies in order to increase production and improve operational efficiency.
For his part, Mustafa Ajaj, expressed his happiness in cooperation with the National Drilling Company, stressing that "Schlumberger" has experience and technical capabilities that enable it to contribute to increasing production in the Libyan oil fields.