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The Libyan Foreign Ministry condemns the Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip and holds the international community responsible for stopping the aggression

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Tripoli, May 09, 2023 (LANA) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Libya condemned the renewed aggression of the Israeli occupation forces on the Palestinian territories, the latest of which was the air raids that targeted the Gaza Strip this morning, which led to the death of more than ten Palestinian citizens and the wounding of dozens of women and children.

In a statement, the ministry expressed its full solidarity with the Palestinian people as a result of the violations they are subjected to, blaming the Israeli occupation forces for the escalation and destabilization of the situation in the region and for continuing to undermine efforts to establish peace.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the Security Council and the international community to assume its responsibilities in stopping the repeated Israeli aggression, protecting the Palestinian people, and reaching an agreement that ends the state of conflict and enhances stability in the region in accordance with international laws and United Nations charters.
