Norland commends the meeting of military and security leaders in Benghazi and calls on them to adhere to the sovereignty and political stability of their country.
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Tripoli, April 09, 2023 (LANA) - The US Special Envoy to Libya, "Richard Norland," said that the military and security leaders in Libya are committed to the sovereignty and political stability of their country through elections, and the departure of foreign forces and mercenaries.
This came during his meeting with the head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, "Abdullah Batili," according to a tweet published by the US embassy on its Twitter account.
In his tweet, the US envoy praised the military and security leaders who met in Benghazi recently, considering that this confirms their commitment to Libya's sovereignty and political stability.
Norland also thanked the UN envoy, Abdullah Batili, for his efforts in promoting national consensus on the elections in Libya.
Over two days in the city of Benghazi, meetings of the Joint Military Committee (5 + 5) and military, security and field leaders from eastern and western Libya were held, in the presence of the UN envoy to Libya, Abdullah Batili. in all its stages.
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