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Batelli: It is time to close the doors of conflict and open the gates of education .

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Tripoli, April 5, 2023 (LANA) - Today, Wednesday, the UN envoy, "Abdullah Batili", visited the University of Benghazi, during which he was briefed on the ongoing restoration work there.

     After the visit, Batili posted tweets on his Twitter account, in which he said ((Repairing buildings destroyed by the war and investing in education are very important for young people in Libya, and it is time to close the doors of conflict and open the gates of education )), describing his discussions with a number of University professors and representatives of student unions interesting discussions.

  During the tour, the head of the Reconstruction and Stabilization Committee, "Hatem Al-Araibi," and the president of the university, "Ezzedine Al-Darsi" Batili, briefed on the projects that are being completed at the university.
