Tajoura Security detains Africans accused of torturing young Libyans.
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Tajoura, 15 March 2023 (Lana) The Tajoura Security Directorate announced the arrest of 15 Chadian expatriate workers who tortured Libyan youths and photographed them stripped of their clothes on a farm between Tajoura and Tarhuna.
The Directorate explained in a statement that the arrest operation came after these Africans were searched and investigated by the patrols of the Criminal Investigation Office in Tajoura, with the support of two military battalions, after a video of young Libyans who were handcuffed and severely beaten was circulated on social media.
The Directorate said that within an hour of posting the video, it was possible to reach the Africans in a remote area between Tajoura and Tarhuna, at a farm located on a dirt road that is very far away and difficult to reach easily.
"The 15 arrested persons hold Chadian nationality, and a Libyan person fled and is being searched for," the Directorate added.
The Directorate confirmed that the Libyan youth, as well as those arrested, had been kept in custody to refer them to the Public Prosecution Office to complete the rest of the necessary and deterrent legal procedures in this regard.