US delegation briefed on HNEC level of readiness to conduct elections.
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Tripoli, February 23, 2023 (LANA) - Members of the High National Elections Commission Council met, Wednesday; at HNEC premises in Tripoli, with the representative of the United States Agency for International Development, John Cardenas, and his deputy, Nathan Park.
The Commission stated that this visit of the American delegation comes within the framework of the international community's support for the democratic process in Libya, to be acquainted about the level of HNEC readiness to implement the electoral processes, and to inquire about the type of support that USAID can provide in the field of managing and implementing the elections to enhance the level of readiness of the Commission to implement the upcoming entitlements.
During the tour of the Commission's headquarters, the American delegation was briefed on the equipment and facilities of the Media Center and the Commission's warehouse.