Algerian President calls for giving priority to the language of dialogue and reconciliation to solve the Libyan crisis.
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Tripoli, February 18, 2023 (LANA) - Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune expressed his country's readiness to contribute to the success of the Libyan national reconciliation path, in cooperation with the African Union, with the aim of finding a consensual ground that strengthens internal national unity and restores Libya's natural position on the international scene.
In his speech before the meeting of the African Union High-level Committee on Libya held in Addis Ababa, President Tebboune stressed, on his behalf, the Algerian Prime Minister's strong rejection of the logic of force, calling for the necessity of giving priority to the language of dialogue and reconciliation between all components of the Libyan people to solve the Libyan crisis.
He said, "Despite our concern about the crisis situation, we remain optimistic because we feel the sincere desire of the Libyan parties to overcome adversity and give priority to the supreme interest of the homeland. We also hope that concerted African and international efforts will find an impact on the ground by reviving the path of a peaceful settlement between the Libyan factions".
In his speech, published by the Algerian presidency on Facebook, Tebboune urged the foreign parties to respect Libya's sovereignty, territorial integrity and the independence of its decision, stressing that "a permanent, comprehensive and final solution to the Libyan crisis will only come through a path that enshrines the principle of national ownership and preserves Libya's unity and sovereignty over all of its soil." In it, the Libyan brothers take the lead, in a way that preserves for all Libyans their inherent and indisputable right to the wealth of their country and to manage and exploit them in a way that guarantees them the desired development and prosperity.
He concluded his speech by saying, “We are absolutely certain that the Libyans will be able to overcome the circumstances and difficulties, and will achieve the embodiment of the will and sovereignty of the Libyan people in all its sects and components in choosing their leaders and representatives and determining the future of their country without any pressures or dictates.