USA decides to extend the state of emergency in Libya.
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Tripoli, February 18, 2023 (LANA) - The United States of America decided to extend the national emergency regarding Libya, noting that the conflict in the country will continue until the Libyans resolve their political divisions and end foreign interference in the country.
This came in a letter sent by the White House to the Speakers of the House of Representatives and the Senate, yesterday, Friday, including the text of declaring a state of emergency in the executive order taken on February 25, 2011.
The letter stressed that the divisions are related to the dispute over resources, as there is still a great danger represented in the possibility of misappropriation of the Libyan state’s assets if it is not protected, which leads to prolonging the crisis in the country, and the state of instability benefits ISIS and the armed groups, which represents a threat the national security of the United States and its regional partners.
The letter added, “We risk military escalation if the sanctions do not continue, especially since those who reject dialogue, obstruct and undermine the democratic transition in Libya remain interested in exploiting the wealth of the Libyan people to advance their narrow self-interest and prolong the conflict in Libya.”