UNSMIL expresses concern over clashes in the capital Tripoli, calls on Libyans to show restraint and resolve their differences through dialogue.
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Tripoli, 11 June 2022 (Lana) UN Support Mission in Libya has expressed deep concern over the clashes in the capital Tripoli on Friday, and other reports of heavy weapons build-up from areas around Tripoli.
"These developments are taking place at a very sensitive time and in a widespread political polarization," the UN mission said in a statement posted to its SMS page. It appealed to "Libyan security and political parties to exercise maximum restraint, and to show responsible leadership and resolve all differences, both at the local and national levels through dialogue."
The statement also appealed to all Libyans to do everything in their power to maintain the country's stability at this critical time.
The UN mission praised efforts of all Libyan dignitaries and parties ‘who have been working to defuse the current tension and resolve the existing political crisis.’
The mission's statement noted the vigorous efforts of the United Nations, international partners and the Libyan parties concerned to resolve the situation, including through talks to establish a constitutional framework that would enable national elections to be held at the earliest opportunity.