U.S. regional State Department spokesman: It is time for all Libyan parties to unite and conduct elections to meet the needs of the Libyan people.
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Tripoli, 10 May 2022 (Lana) U.S. State Department regional spokesman Samuel Warberg reiterated his country's support for the UN-led political process in Libya, and that it is time for all Libyan parties to unite to have elections in Libya to meet what the Libyan people want.
In an interview with Al-Hurra TV, the US official attributed the economic, humanitarian and social challenges now in Libya to the lack of a unified government. On the existence of sanctions for those obstructing the operation, Warberg stressed that sanctions would be imposed by the United Nations, the United States, partners, allies and other countries in the region and outside the region.
"We are monitoring things and working with all parties now, as we have seen from the multiple visits of special envoy and Ambassador Richard Norland in Libya, who will meet with all Libyan parties and leaders, and we encourage all Libyan parties to make the necessary preparations for the elections and to take into account that the number of Libyans who registered in the elections more than (2.800,000), therefore the people wants these elections to take place, and the United States supports this desire of the Libyan people.
Meanwhile, the U.S. spokesman stressed the existence of a direct link between the economy and the political situation in Libya, stressing the importance of holding elections first and then forming the government and said that the United States, as Ambassador "Norland" said, has serious concern about the closure of oil in Libya because this affects the infrastructure in the oil sector as well as in the environment and the economy in general.
Regarding the main differences between the political parties, and the outstanding files, and whether a solution can be brought soon with the start of consultations in Cairo, the U.S. official explained that the United States remains engaged in this discussion and that at the end of the day the Libyan parties must take the decision how the government, leaders deal with the budget and oil revenues. No other party will solve the problems on behalf of Libyans, but the United States will provide any technical or economic assistance to the Libyan parties, he said.
OnIn reply to a question on what were the most important solutions offered by Washington regarding the next government, especially since the conflict is the same, Warberg said "solutions were not on the table from Washington because the United States does not favor anyone over the other or any party over another. The United States will be a partner of the entire Libyan people, so the United States, as we have seen from Ambassador Roland's visits, was in contact with all the leaders and all the Libyan parties and we encourage the Libyan parties to sit at the table and resolve any differences between them to push for elections, stressing the need for free and fair elections.