Head of Government of National Unity: There is no return to the war that Libyans are tired of and elections is the way to achieve peace and stability.
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Tripoli, 19 February 2022 (Lana) The Head of Government of National Unity , Abdul Hamid Al Dbeiba, reiterated his rejection of the transition stages calling for sticking to the elections, to move to the permanent stage - a stage of peace, stability, and construction.
In a speech during his participation in the celebrations marking the 11th anniversary of the February 17 Revolution in Martyrs' Square in Tripoli, Al-Dbeiba stressed that there is no return to the war that Libyans are tired of, and that he is with elections and with the peace and stability that the Libyan people aspire to. "No to war. Yes to peace. Yes to elections", he said.
In his brief speech, the Prime Minister announced a number of measures to be taken by his government, including announcing within two days a road map to hold elections next June, and starting distributing (50) thousand plots of land to young people across the country, as of next Sunday, and there are about 100,000 incomplete apartments that will also be offered to young people, and will be granted loans to complete the construction of these apartments, which are still concrete in form, and the continuation of Marriage Support Fund in non-stop marriage grants.
The prime minister also announced that the salary increase for members of the Ministry of Interior will be activated soon, and the formation of a body to treat the wounded at home and abroad and allocated a sum of one billion dinars to follow up their situation, in addition to starting the distribution of health insurance cards to the pensioners as a first stage, and then all Libyans will have an access to health insurance, care and treatment, as he put it.